This is where I will complain, whine, and brag about my undergraduate work and veterinary experience as I approach time to apply to vet school!!
Interview Question #7
Published on January 10, 2004 By DrKata In Personal Relationships
I think I've worked pretty hard to get to where I am, and I'm sure I'll be able to say that when I'm in vet school. Feeling this way, I don't think that people who are cheating deserve to be held in the same light as those who are actually studying their lives away. I'm not a tattle-tail, but I couldn't let a cheating student get away with cheating on a test that numerous other people are taking honestly. I'd confront the student and let them know that I knew that he was cheating.

He'd have the decision to make:
1. stop cheating & I won't tell
2. continue cheating & I will tell.

I don't want people to get in trouble, I want them to be fair. If I can get him to start taking tests fairly without involving authority, that's what I'd like to do. I also don't want to make any enemies; we need to stick together.
on Feb 23, 2004
Although it is hard to watch someone do something that you wouldn't consider, I would not be quick to out them to the instructor. That being said, I would go to see the instructor during office hours and tell her/him that you think you saw someone cheating in class without pointing out who it was. This way you hopefully foil the person's future cheating without destroying their academic career. If you knew the 'cheater', I would consider telling them that you saw them cheating. My personal philosophy is to always at least try to deal with something at the lowest possible level and only kick it up the chain if you are not satisfied with the result.