This is where I will complain, whine, and brag about my undergraduate work and veterinary experience as I approach time to apply to vet school!!
DrKata's Articles In Blogging
January 8, 2004 by DrKata
I've got plenty of weaknesses, I think everyone does. But when you ask someone "what's your biggest weakness?" it's hard for them to answer right away. It's kinda like when someone asks you what you want for your birthday. Sure, there are plenty of things you want/need, but when you are put on the spot to think of something your mind goes blank. After crying on the phone with my boyfriend this evening, expressing feelings of loneliness and confusion, I realized one of my biggest personal f...
January 7, 2004 by DrKata
First, a little background information... Animal Welfare- Humans feel that we hhave a moral obligation to look out for animals' well-being because they contribute to human welfare (def*-providing food, fiber, work, compainionship, entertainment, education, etc.). Animal Rights- (def*- just and fair claims based on law and moral philosophy). Completely opposed to any use of animals, holding that it violates the "moral inviolability" of an a...